easy website analytics


Provided by Plausible Analytics. Understand your visitors without compromising their privacy.
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Perfect Google Analytics alternative

Have you ever felt like you have too much information in front of you and don't know what it means? Improve your life by ditching Google Analytics and experience  a clean and simple interface with easy to understand analytics.
Privacy focused
Lightweight tracking that respects the privacy of your visitors. It's fully GDPR compliant and best of all... no more annoying consent banners.
Email reports
Weekly or monthly reports straight to your inbox. 
Understand your visitors
Custom actions and simple metrics allows you to evaluate your visitors behaviour so you can know what is working and what needs improving.
Quick to load
The tracking code is <6KB which is 78% smaller than Google Tag, which makes your site load faster and perform better.

See it in action 

See how the dashboard works and how easy it is to filter the analytics.

One affordable price

£49 a year
GDPR compliant
Set up included
Fully documented
No pop up consent banners needed
View real-time visitors, page views and unique visitors
Track website events such as button clicks
Email reports
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